It's my birthday! Well, it's 17 minutes into my birthday and I've just got back from a night at the theatre. When I go to bed and wake up again it will be properly my birthday!
This is in effect my third birthday as a kinkster. The first time, I was barely “out”, and certainly wasn't going to be getting any spankings, though co-incidentally (and I had to check to make sure I'd remembered correctly!) it was the day that a small if ultimately very significant event happened in my kinky life: Abel sent me a mail in reply to a comment I'd made on the Spanking Writers blog. While it was lovely to receive at the time, I didn't realise what a huge impact that mail would have on my life.
Indirectly, it was the cause of my first ever birthday spanking, one year later. Or possibly birthday spanking(s), five I believe in total, at a spanking club. Of course, as we were there as Lowewood girls, it was actually Jemima receiving the birthday spankings, not me, so the total number of strokes was considerably lower than it otherwise would have been (thank goodness!)
This year, like the first kinky year, will be lacking in birthday spankings. Not that I'm complaining, I have plenty of other fun things to keep me occupied over the next couple of weeks, but they are all of the very vanilla variety. In a way though, that makes me feel even more blessed. Yes, I might not be getting a birthday spanking tomorrow, but I get to spend time with family, and then next weekend time with many friends, some of whom know my secret, none of whom have rejected me for it. Since I came out more into this strange and wonderful world of ours, I haven't always been the best friend in the world to my friends “from before”, but the fact that they are still so lovely to me, despite this, makes me feel like the luckiest (if most undeserving!) girl in the world.
Of course, to add to these friends, I have a whole other set of amazing kinky friends who I also feel incredibly blessed to have, and who have enriched my life no end over the past couple of years.
Sorry, this is probably a terribly nauseating post – I'll stop with the nice soon, and you can all go and find a sick bucket, but as it's my birthday, you'll have to indulge me for a couple more sentences.
There's a line in the Sound of Music, in the song called “Something Good”, which goes something like “for somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.” And that's what I feel, because while I may not be getting a birthday spanking today, the fact that I have such lovely people around me means that I'm one hell of a lucky girl.
16 hours ago
Happy birthday!!!!
"Something Good" certainly applies to you being part of the scene, from the perspective of all of us who've been lucky enough to get to know you over these past three years. Whilst I'm sure you would have found your way into the scene anyway, sending you that email has to be one of the best things I've done.
As for birthday spankings, I seem to recall the rule is that the tally is doubled if a girl didn't get it on the actual day.
Big hugs xx
Happy Birthday lovely girl!
I like this post, it we can't be sentimental and indulgent and birthdays and Christmas then what's the point of having so many fab friends and a truly awesome life in some many ways.
As for the birthday spankings, with your kinky party being in August you'll surely get all that you deserve. Aren't there something like 26 kinksters coming now? That's 26 spankings for you. Even us bottoms will make a tremendous effort and spank you too ;)
Love and hugs
EJ xx
Happy Birthday lovely lady, hope it's awesome and filled with cake and presents (two *very* important parts of life!)
Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day. :)
Happy Birthday. As regards birthday spankings (and on this blog, which of us could disregard them), there is another party coming up, and it won't be Jemima's, and you're a couple of years older, and there'll be lots of us, and Abel thinks the number should be doubled .... Oh dear!!!
Enjoy your vanilla friends while you can.
Happy Birthday, Eliane! *hugs* So glad to hear you are enjoying it :D And that there are a fair few spankers already willing to provide you with belated spanking services... :D:D
Happy Birthday, Eliane! I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and vanilla friends. And having read the previous comments I'm very sure that your kinky friends will soon help you to make up for the lack of birthday spankings today! :-)
I'm not too late - it's not tomorrow yet!
Hope you've had a lovely birthday and look forward to seeing you (though I suspect I shall be one of the few not insisting on spanking you!) at your belated party.
Big hugs lovely girl xxx
@Eliane: I hope it was a lovely day, though I am a bit disappointed by the lack of drunken Tweets! I do understand being sentimental about friends, and I feel very, very lucky to count you as one.
@Abel: I believe there is a 24 hour grace period before doubling the tally. Fortunately, few tops can count as high as double mine, anyway!
Happy Belated Birthday Elaine. I hope you had a wonderful day.
Bugger! I'm late wishing you a Happy Birthday, but hope the day was a good one, like Indy I was a little disappointed by the lack of drunken tweets and like Abel I am very glad to have met you since you came into the scene.
Very much looking forward to your kinky Birthday Party... 26 spankings!!!! Poor you ;-)
Thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes. I had a very nice day.
To address some particular points:
1) Birthday spankings do not get increased if delayed.
2) There is actually a statute of limitations, I'm sure, which states that birthday spankings cannot be given more than one week after said birthday
3)The coda to that states that they CERTAINLY can't be given by 20odd people!
4) Cath - for being one of the few who isn't threatening me, you win my undying loyalty.
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