Thursday 18 December 2008

Sick, yet still craving...!

I'm sick. (Well yes, you all knew that!). No, not that sort of sick: nasty, fluey, virusy sick. Can barely summon up the energy to move from bed to bathroom to living room sort of sick. And yet I'm still craving a spanking. Why the hell is that?? I'd be more likely to fall over than bend over right now and yet I still want to be spanked. Stupid dumb head.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are up to full spankable speed soon. There seems to be something going around, tons of people are sick. Take care,
Andrades Girl

Irelynn said...

Awww, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I had the flu two weeks ago and spent a whole week in bed. Hope George is taking good care of you!

Cravings are interesting things. While I was ill, for instance, and hardly ate anything, I still craved chocolate cake (which I couldn't eat because it meant having to go to the store to get it). I seem to get cravings in degrees of obtainability, if you get what I mean. If I can easily arrange to satisfy a craving, I'm more likely to have one. Sometimes I spend days on end craving a spanking, but then I can go for weeks without craving it once.

I, too, craved a spanking when I was ill. My theory is that if you're just lying in bed for days, you have too much time on your hands and not much to do but feel miserable. The lack of distraction allows our kinky minds to think about spanking too much. Yes I know, marvellous theory, isn't it? :)

Hope you feel better soon!

Eliane said...

Thanks for all your thoughts, I'm feeling a little bit better today. And Irelynn, I think your theory is absolutely right!