Yesterday I asked what went through a spanker's mind when they were spanking, and so far have had some really interesting responses. Feel free to go add to them :-)
Today I thought I should let the spankees have their say, because I'm basically a nosy so and so and want to know what goes on in other people's minds! As I said yesterday, my thought process is pretty simple when I'm being spanked. In general the sensations occurring down on my rear end pretty much override my ability to string a coherent idea together. Not, in all fairness, that I can do that when I'm *not* being spanked ;-)
Is it like that for other people? Or are you able to have a deep and meaningful dialogue going on in your head while being spanked?
17 hours ago
Pretty much every time I'm being spanked, I keep asking myself what gave me the idea I was into spanking in the first place, and how wrong I was :)
There's an occasional "my, this is delicious" as well, but that's about once every few months.
But on the whole - no, not a lot happens :)
Alright, now you’re getting nosy! LOL! I do have coherent thought during a spanking. I revert back to the old spanking fantasies I have had all my life. In my head I am asking, begging, pleading with him to stop, and promising to be good. Saying 'no, no not that' to each new implement. You have to understand meanwhile I am enjoying the heck out of the spanking.
There in something in me that is completely turned on by the idea that I am totally at his mercy and have no control or say what so ever. But my spanker, who is the nicest man in the world, does not really project this energy so I often supply my own running dialogue.
Eliane, when I asked my Mel what she was thinking when I spanked her. her reply was, "you must be joking, who thinks, I just wallow in the sensations.
Warm hugs,
Thoughts? Absolutely. Coherent ones? Uh, not so much. More like, "mmmm. yeah. Oh! Oh! Wait. No! Not there! Other cheek. OTHER Cheek! Ooooh. Ow. Not so high/low/left/right,etc. Oh yeah, right there, just like that." And then when he decides he's done enough, "What done already? That wasn't nearly enough...."
What Haron said. And then... "That's too high! That's too low! No, no, NO!"
sparkle :)
Lets see...
"What the hell was I thinking?"
"Please stop"
"Please don't stop"
"I wonder when he'll stop"
"I hope he doesn't stop too soon"
"Are those keys in his pocket?"
"The carpet could use a vaccumm"
"I was looking for that sock"
"What is that implement he's using?"
"Which implement will he use next?"
"I HATE that back scratcher!"
"Damn that stupid back scratcher!"
" I wonder if that back scratcher would burn nicely?"
"Wooden spoons suck!"
"I love wooden spoons."
"I hope he uses his belt."
"I hate that belt."
"I'm so thirsty"
As you can see, my mind is constantly thinking of something. I often think about my readers and how I could write this up on my blog.
As a matter of fact, maybe I will write this up on my blog.....good question! Hope you don't mind if I steal it!
Rofl, thank you so much guys, I can completely identify. Especially with the 'Why did I think I liked this again?'
PK, I'm very impressived with you having 'proper' thoughts. I'm in awe of your talent, and a little jealous. One of these days I would like to have a coherent thought. That's at any point during the day, you understand ;-)
Grace, I think you were posting at the same time I was so I missed seeing your response - feel free to steal the question :-)
I'm usually giving myself little motivational speeches about how really it's not all that bad and I can definitely get through it and just a few more and of course he can't spank forever it has to stop sometimes and oww that hurts!
Sometimes I only make it through the first couple of words of the motivational part and spend most of the spanking in the "oww stop not there owwww what is he thinking how can he do this to me what was I thinking why did I want this owwww" frame of mind.
Then there are the occasional spankings which leave me in a very foggy nice place where thoughts are absolutely not allowed.
Very rarely there are spankings for things I feel truly remorseful about and during those I am almost always berating myself in my head much worse than his spanking could ever be.
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