I was one of those children who scoured their reading matter for hints of spanking, fascinated by the whole dynamic of corporal punishment. I was also an avid reader of school stories, Mallory Towers, St Clares, The Chalet School etc. and was always secretly a little disappointed that there wasn't more spanking action, though if I remember correctly there was a little bit of parental discipline in some of the Chalet School ones. I still have them buried away somewhere... must get them out and check!
Anyway, wandering slowly back to the point... I had a dream the other night where I was in a bookshop that had a large children's section, and a display of thirties and forties children's literature that had been reprinted as part of a celebration of the genre. I was overjoyed. Especially when I found that several of the books in the series had those wonderful, evocative illustrations on the front, with titles like "Angela Gets A Caning".
I seem to remember that in the dream, my credit card took quite a hit as I bought up the entire collection. It's probably a good job that it was only a dream!
17 hours ago
OMG that's so funny. And a lovely coincidence: I spent the afternoon browsing my friend Cath's bookcases, which are lined with a truly wonderful collection of old volumes of the sort of school stories you mention.
Who would believe that "Schoolgirl Jen At The Abbey", "The New House Captain" and suchlike couldn't be full of the most evocative passages - slipperings and spankings galore? Yet sadly they're mostly lacking on any interesting scenes. (I guess that's what our imaginations are for!)
Hi Eliane,
I just found your blog through PK's, and I'm really enjoying reading it.
I read all the school stories I could find as a kid, but they don't seem to be as common in the US as in Britain. My source of inspiration was a large series of biographies written for children about famous historical figures-- I can only recall Americans. Anyway, in addition to being illustrated with only silhouettes, they contained more information about the famous person's childhood than his or her adulthood. And there was invariably a thrashing in each. I suspect school libraries have a different series of books these days...
Indy, welcome to the blog,and yes I suspect they probably do have different books - what a shame for the future generation of spankos!
And Abel, I *know*, they promise so much, but deliver so little... what a shame.
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